Monday 17 September 2012

How far have we come?

“First we thought the PC was a calculator. Then we found out how to turn numbers into letters with ASCII — and we thought it was a typewriter. Then we discovered graphics, and we thought it was a television. With the World Wide Web, we've realized it's a brochure.”  Douglas Adams. Now day we turn something to something new. This is the impact technology has on society.  Lives are being changed every day because of technology. People this day do not need a computer anymore because they have a phone. A smart phone; a phone that can call, text, check the Internet, instant chat, pay bills, located people. With such great power at a touch of a button, but wait is not a button any more is a screen. Lives have changed now. If all this new technology that we have now would have been there in the Vietnam War, then how many American soldiers would have came home to their wife and kids? How many people could survive getting a heart transplant seventy years ago if we have the tools we have today? Those questions could not be answer because we will never find out but also because technology is a working progress from the beginning where a caveman took a rock to smash a stick as to trying to find life in Mars. Nothing came by magic; we had to start somewhere to get to where we are. By the time my generation is gone doctors might have figured out what shot you need to cure cancer or what pills you should take to cure AIDS. By that time my grand kids are grandpas their kids will be using jet packs or flying cars to get to school/work. This is the world we live in. New things will always come will the old goes out the back. So why make fun of your parents when they can not work an IPhone if in sixty years you will not be able to turn on a 4dTV

1 comment:

  1. I have a hard time following what your main point is. Are you saying that the Vietnam War would not have caused as many deaths if we had today's technology then? Would there not have been more advanced weaponry as well? Also, are you saying that more people WOULD have survived 70 years ago if heart transplants had been available then? Or are you saying heart transplants were not good enough in the forties? And why bring up making fun of parents at the end? The rest of the post seems to be about how amazing technology is, which doesn't quite fit with that point.
