Tuesday 21 August 2012

Helberth Ramirez

My name is Helberth Ramirez, I was born in Costa Rica in 1996. My dad who was tired of his old job was looking for something new and different. He moved to the United States when I was eight. It took him nine months for him to get settled, find a nice job and a house. That is when I come in the pictured. I got here when I was eight and have been here ever since. It was tough at first, going to school when all you knew was "Thank You"; but over the years I came out to where I am today. Right now my focus is music and school. I play drums which is my main focus and attraction  and guitar so music is really huge part of my life. I listen to alot of John Mayer and Dave Matthews as well as Christian music; my major influences are John Mayer, Tony Royster Jr and Cobus. I have a Pearl Vision birch drum set with Sabian AAX cymbals. The drum set sounds amazing I am totally in love with them and the cymbals are great sounding, they have a nice brilliant sound, are loud and nice tone; I also own Pdp hardware and recently just bought Pearl’s Demon Drive which are amazing, that double bass pedal is phenomenal; it's just like their motto “Heavenly feel; wickedly fast”. As of school, well is not my favorite thing to do but you can not live without it. So I will have to focus and work hard to achieve my dreams. Right now my brother and I are planning a trip to Costa Rica to visit for next summer. We are thinking of surprising my family by showing up at their front door without notice. That would be really fun, I would love to see them react to something like that.  

1 comment:

  1. Your passion for music is obvious, and I can tell that it is something you are willing to work at too, given your depth of knowledge on the subject of all things drum-related!

    Have you been back to Costa Rica often since moving here, or would the surprise trip be the first back?
