Friday 8 February 2013

TV makes people less lonely.

1. Organization: What structure is used to organize the order of the information. (e.g. cause & effect, chronological, most important to least important, etc.) He starts with the effect of watching TV and goes to the cause of watching TV.

2. Tone of the article: How does the author feel about what he/she is writing about? He feels happy about it because people can now feel better about their situation and feel welcome.

3. Main idea: sum up in 2 or 3 sentences what this article is explaining. This blog is to state that watching TV makes them feel less lonely. It also talks about how people who have a social life usually don’t like a show as much as a lonely person.

4. Supporting details: explain at least 3 details that make the point that the main idea is trying to get across.  “In a study, psychologists noticed that people are more likely to watch favorite TV shows when they're lonely, and feel less lonely during the show. “

“lonely people are primed to enjoy positive TV shows. A study found that people in need of social acceptance train themselves to read more queues from facial expressions.”

“Lonely people may be able to make stronger connections with TV shows and TV characters than people who already have a lot of people in their lives.”

5. Inferences--extend ideas beyond this article: what does this mean for you? for other people?for the whole
If you're lonely maybe you should watch TV;  other people can take a new initiative; everyone has their reasons to watch TV.

1 comment:

  1. Firstly, in the future I would prefer you organize this into a paragraph-style post.

    Secondly, what exactly do you consider the cause of watching TV and what the effect? And when you say the author's happy, do you think she proposes TV as a solution to people's problems?

    I think the main idea needs to be more concise and to the point, and I would like your interpretation of the quotes you provide for details. Your inferences, however, do fit what inferences should do.
